History of FTKE

History of FTKE

History of the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology

The history of the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology (FTKE) began in the 1970s and 1980s when oil and natural gas played a significant role, with petrodollars being crucial to the country’s finances, thereby encouraging the operation of foreign companies as contractors for Pertamina, reaching around 80 companies. The exploration and exploitation of oil and natural gas both onshore and offshore employed many foreign experts (Petroleum Engineers and Geologists), from lower-level to expert-level positions. In 1978, the peak was recorded with 738 foreign experts working in oil companies (main contractors), which the government perceived as a constraint in developing national potential. Driven by the desire to utilize the country’s manpower, the government initiated “Indonesianization” in these foreign companies.

In response to the government’s initiative, Pertamina, as a “State-Owned Enterprise” responsible for managing oil and natural gas, took the initiative to establish the Department/Study Program of Petroleum Engineering and Geology at Trisakti University. Based on the Joint Charter between Pertamina and Trisakti University, signed by Pertamina’s CEO Major General Piet Haryono and Trisakti University’s Rector Ir. Poedjono; on July 7, 1979, Pertamina’s Director E.P., Ir. Trisulo, along with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Ir. P.K. Haryasudirdja, agreed to establish these two study programs under one Energy Engineering Department, which is part of Trisakti University’s Faculty of Engineering. Both programs began operating in 1980/1981. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture number 0589/01/1983 dated December 13, 1983, the Faculty of Engineering, Trisakti University, was developed into the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, the Faculty of Industrial Technology, and the Faculty of Mineral Technology. At that time, the Faculty of Mineral Technology consisted of the Department of Petroleum Engineering and the Department of Geology. On April 26, 1993, it obtained “EQUALIZATION” status with Decree DIKTI No. 170/DIKTI/Kep/1993.

To facilitate the implementation of lectures and student practicals, Pertamina, along with foreign oil contractors, built buildings and various laboratories including: Chemistry Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Drilling and Production Engineering Laboratory, Reservoir Rock Analysis Laboratory, Reservoir Fluid Analysis Laboratory, and Drilling and Production Equipment Conservation Laboratory for the Petroleum Engineering Department/Study Program, as well as Petrology-Mineralogy Laboratory, Paleontology and Stratigraphy Laboratory, Geodynamics Laboratory, Geochemistry Laboratory, Geophysics Laboratory, and Geotechnical Laboratory for the Geology Engineering Department/Study Program. Table 2.1 shows the list of Founding Sponsors of the Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy (formerly the Energy Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering), Trisakti University for the period 1980-1981.

In 1994, the Faculty of Mineral Technology of Trisakti University opened the Mining Engineering Department/Study Program and on May 18, 1994, obtained approval from DIKTI with “REGISTERED” status with Decree No. 134/DIKTI/Kep/1994. In 1997, a Coal Laboratory and a Mineral Processing Laboratory were fully established.

Based on the Decree of the Rector of Trisakti University No: 308/USAKTI/SKR/IX/2005 dated September 1, 2005, the Faculty of Mineral Technology was changed to the Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy. Furthermore, on February 6, 2009, the renamed Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy opened a new Master’s Program in Petroleum Engineering.

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