Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology is implemented through the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) as a whole in every aspect of activity, by continuing to carry out Continuous Quality Improvement in all sectors by adhering to the coordinated principle of Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA). by the University’s Quality Assurance Development and Development Agency (BPPJM), while in carrying out a quality culture within the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, there is a Faculty Quality Assurance unit (JMF).

Structurally JMF is under the coordination of the University BPPJM and is responsible to the Dean, then in daily tasks under the coordination of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (WD I) for the academic field and the Deputy Dean for General Administration and Finance (WD II) for the non-academic field. , as illustrated in the following chart:

The organizational structure contained in the Quality Assurance unit of the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology itself, based on the Decree of the Dean No. 545/C1/FTKE-USAKTI/VII-2018 are as follows,

Head of Faculty Quality Assurance(JMF)                                   : Dra. Suliestyah, M.Si.
Coordinator Secretary                                                                      : Ririn Yulianti, S.T., M.T.
Coordinator of Quality Assurance and Accreditation System : Dr. Ir. Listiana Satiawati, M.Si.
Coordinator of Monitoring Evaluation and Internal Audit      : Dina Asmaul Chusniyah, S.Si., M.Si.
Coordinator of Improvement and Development                        : Dr. Ir. Fajar Hendrasto, Dip.Geoth., M.T.

Furthermore, the tasks of Faculty Quality Assurance are:

  • Plan, implement and develop quality assurance in the Faculty.
  • Develop tools for implementing quality assurance.
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of quality assurance.
  • Conducting socialization of quality assurance in departments/study programs within the scope of the Faculty.
  • Consulting and assisting the implementation of quality assurance. Report the implementation of quality assurance to the faculty leadership.
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