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Halal Bihalal with FTKE Alumni
Halal Bihalal is a gathering and mutual forgiveness activity aimed at creating harmony among people. It is a unique tradition of Indonesian Muslims, where the commemoration of Halal Bihalal is expected to rekindle connections and enhance the relationships between alumni of the Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy (FTKE) and the academic community of FTKE.
The Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy at Universitas Trisakti held a Halal Bihalal event on Thursday, May 2, 2024, in Building D, 5th floor, in classrooms Diponegoro and Sudirman. This time, we invited the academic community and FTKE alumni of Universitas Trisakti to maintain their connections and enhance unity and cohesion on the Universitas Trisakti campus.
In his speech, the Dean of FTKE, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc., IPU, ASEAN Eng., expressed his gratitude to the alumni who attended and to everyone who contributed to the successful organization of this event. He hoped that in the future, the Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy at Universitas Trisakti would continue to improve in quality. The event concluded with a group photo and a shared lunch.